Let’s say you visit a store that sells two different turntables that you’ve read about. Turntable “A” retails for $700, and that’s the price they sell it for. Turntable “B” has a retail price of $1200, but it’s on sale for $699. They’re both current models, and they have similar features and warranties. But, when the salesman does an A-B comparison between the two, turntable “A” clearly outperforms turntable “B”.
Believe it or not, many people will still have a tough time deciding which one to buy – the lure of the discount will sometimes overpower common sense. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a good deal, but maybe it’s time to reconsider what a good deal really is.
Here are two examples that illustrate the point:
1) Lets say you’re one of the customers who bought an expensive, high quality turntable from me 20 or 30 years ago. You’ve now had 2 or 3 decades of enjoying recorded music at a level you never thought possible. You’ve expanded your musical horizons; and while reaping the benefits and satisfaction of owning the best, you’ve avoided the hassle and expense of ever having to replace that particular piece of equipment. Yes, you bought an expensive product with little or no discount (not that you even remember the price after that many years), yet you’ll tell anyone who asks that it was a one of your best purchases ever!
2) Now let’s say your friend sees a turntable at a great price on Amazon – he gets it for 50% off! Once the buzz of having a shiny new thing wears off, he grows disenchanted with it. He uses it less and less, and eventually he wants to replace it with a better one (like yours). Not only does he have to spend his money all over again, but he never got any real satisfaction from day one because the product he bought was simply was not good enough to make him want to listen to it! Half price or not, he got a lousy deal.
Although budget may play an important role in your purchase decision, the size of the discount should not.